Students who apply for undergraduate admission to Utah State University will automatically be considered for academic scholarships. Decisions for academic scholarships are based off of an
academic index. A student's cumulative grade point average (GPA) is paired with the his or
her respective ACT or SAT score. Students with a minimum of a 2.5 GPA and 18 ACT or 860 SAT (with out the written section) will be admitted into USU in good standing.
Academic scholarships are based off of the academic index scores that a student merits through his or her GPA and test score. For a complete list of scholarships and the required academic index score please visit the USU Scholarship Page. As long as students apply before December 1st (the priority dead line for scholarships), and have an academic index score that merits a scholarship, then they will be guaranteed said scholarship.
Please feel free to contact the Admissions Office at 800-488-8108 or by Email: Let us help make the college application process as simple and stress free as possible. Go Aggies!